Thursday, 16 September 2010

Inital Blog for Auteur study ideas

I'm planning to do an auteur study on Stanley Kubrick. I shall likely theme this study around his representation of sex and violence in his films as he is famous for his controversial subject matter and content within his films. Some examples being A Clockwork Orange, FullMetal Jacket, Eyes Wide Shut, Dr Strangelove etc. However he has also made films with deliberately toned down violence, even when the potential exists for extremely gruesome violence (arguably an example would be The Shining, which instead chooses a Psychologically horrifying approach). I will use sources for my bibliography such as books (of which many exist on Kubrick) films, documentaries (of which there are also many), newpaper and magazine articles etc. I will supplement my research with a visit to the BFI in london and various other film libraries around the immediate area. I plan to attend a documentary about Kubricks aborted epic "Napoleon" at the Cambridge Film Festival.


  1. Max, I think that you task will be to find a really strong focus with a clear rational behind the film choices. I think you should aim to watch as many of his films as possible and read quite widely about kubrick at this point as he has a big body of work and you will be expected to have a good range of sources. You focus at the moment is workable but a little vague. I would keep your mind open and enjoy his work and the reading and seee what happens.

  2. Ill be sure to address this in my next post :) thanks
